nuVizz TMS Sustainability Benefits

shipper-icon Benefits for Shippers carrier-icon Benefits for Carriers
Track emissions of fleet vehicles
for Scope 1 reporting
Real Time Visibility Scope 3 reporting for shippers on
dedicated and comingled contracts
Meet sustainability goals by
maximizing vehicle utilization
Route Planning Minimize driven miles per stop to
meet shipper's emission goals
Reduce overall network emissions
with optimal static routes
Strategic Planning Respond to RFP bids with
sustainable route options
Reduce additional emissions
from customer redeliveries
Appointment Scheduling Reduce emissions from vehicle
idling waiting for customers
Minimize driven miles on hot shot
orders with nearest driver assignment
Route Optimization Reduce emissions from empty miles by
optimizing on demand stops
Combine deliveries with returns to
minimize emissions from returns
Returns Management Comingle customer deliveries and
returns to reduce overall emissions